All Saints Margaret Street | Home page

All Saints logoWelcome to All Saints

All Saints logoWelcome to All Saints


All Saints Margaret Street has been serving God and people in the heart of London for 150 years. Due to the current coronavirus situation, All Saints Church is currently closed to the public. In order to offer ongoing spiritual sustenance, we are offering a daily online Mass. Everyone is welcome to join us via live video stream every day at 12 noon.


11:00 Mass
17:00 Evening Prayer
17:30 Mass (first Mass of Sunday)
07:00 Mass
09:20 Morning Prayer
10:00 High Mass
16:15 Mass
17:00 Evensong & Benediction

Daily Mass Live Stream

Mass is streamed live at 11am on Sundays, and at noon the rest of the week. View previous masses on the All Saints YouTube Channel.



news item
23 February 2020
Holy Week Preacher: Bishop Rowan Williams
We look forward to welcoming Bishop Rowan Williams as our Holy Week preacher this year. Bishop Rowan will be with us from Palm Sunday to Easter Day as follows: Palm Sunday 11am High Mass Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 6.30pm Mass Maundy Thursday 6.30pm High Mass Good Friday 12 Noon Preaching the… More 


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