All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 14th April 2017

All Saints Parish Newsletter 14th April 2017

Dear Friend,

My Lent book this year has been David Bryant’s Glimpses of Glory. I was drawn to it by the title, a phrase which has long been my personal summary of our liturgical life together as the church. I also liked his format: 40 short chapters on a variety of subjects important to the Christian life in no particular order. That is how I experience the Christian life: a series of moments, encounters and relationships over which we do not have ultimate control but in which, if we pay attention, we can learn to discern the grace and will of God.

I looked forward to each daily chunk of Bryant’s book. One (the chapter entitled ‘Laughter’) includes a charming story from the time of his theological college placement at St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, when the entire sanctuary party fell off the altar steps and collided with the credence table. Some chapters spoke more clearly to me than others; some were, frankly, better than others. That is precisely like many of those moments, encounters and relationships which life in the church gifts to us, especially clergy.

The book has a back story which gives it added poignancy. As he wrote, Bryant knew that he was terminally ill, and he died last year, before it was published. So I especially looked forward to the final chapter, ‘Resurrection’. Here Bryant focuses on Gerard Manley Hopkins’ Poem, ‘The Wreck of the Deutschland‘. If you want the detail you can read Bryant, or Hopkins! But the punchline comes with an appropriation of one of Hopkins’ idiosyncratic coinages – the verb ‘to easter’. Bryant writes:

To fathom the true meaning of Easter we need a decisive attention-seizing verb: ‘to easter’. Easter is not just a drama acted on the bare slopes of Calvary, climaxing at the empty tomb. It is not a series of events to be observed, quantified, thought over, questioned and discussed. Nor is it a riveting tale with a happy ending. It has far richer connotations. It is something that has to seize us and overpower us. We need to be ‘eastered.’ ‘To easter’ has a nautical ring [this is relevant to the poem]. It means to steer a ship to the light of the dawning day so that it is flooded with the rays of the rising sun.

[In the poem] … the principle of love woven into the universe has prevailed … over the whole waiting world. Christ the ‘Pride, rose, prince, hero of us, high-priest’ has brightened the dark universe and eastered in us. This is the blessed vision that I hope will be with me until I breathe my last. Praise be to the God whose love surpasses all knowing.

After that conclusion the final words of Bryant’s book are a prayer (each chapter finishes with one) and, as well as having particular force from the pen of a dying author, it is a good prayer for our Holy Week and Easter, because, as he says, Easter is not a story which happens at a distance; it is about us: 

From the day of our birth, Lord Jesus Christ, you have been with us in this uncertain world.

Of your mercy, remain with us at and beyond our ending. Amen.

Yours in Christ,  

Fr Michael Bowie

Assistant Priest,
All Saints Margaret Street

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers:  Asia Bibi, Rachel Boulding, Katie Marko, Joan Cook, Doris Sanders, Rodney Bickerstaffe, Andrew Evans, Rose Stevens, Rebekka Norvik-Smith , Neli Dias, Patricia Searle, Sarah Payne, Tony Hawkins, Jan Williams, Paul Curno, Adrian Davis, Sally Bower, Gwyneth Hopkins, Bishop Michael Perham, Roy Jenkins, Bill Rodger, Jenna Stanbrook, Wolfgang Shröder, Joy Wright and Christine Vaughan-Lillie.   

For the recently departed:  Joan Wicken and PC Keith Palmer and the other victims of the Westminster terrorist attack 22 March 2017.  

Remember past priests, benefactors, friends, and all whose year’s mind occurs this week including: Evelyn Cowie, Mary Gotto, Geoffrey Heald (Priest), Marilyn Goggin, Ian Miller, Basil Harris, Rita Clark, Judith Barrett, Sadie Campbell, Tim Hewlett, Hugh Whittow, Rex Halliwell, Irene Vile, Kathleen Bates, Hilary Waters, Henry Falconer Barclay Mackay (Fifth Vicar of All Saints), Margaret Forsyth, Constance Cavan, Alicia Bolton, Constance Briscoe, David Mason (Priest), Charles Messenger, Elenor Stanton and Arthur Sandeman (Priest).       

For full service information:  


Preacher: Fr Jim Walters, Chaplain London School of Economics 


       12 noon    The Preaching of the Passion
                        Sermon Themes: Love, Joy, Peace                           

        1 – 3pm    The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion                 

        6.30pm    Stations of the Cross. Organist: Quentin Williams.

       12 noon         Liturgy of the Day

       9pm              HIGH MASS of the Easter Vigil by candlelight
Messe Solonelle – Vierne       

EASTER DAY, Sunday 16 April 11am    
Procession, Blessing of the Easter Garden and HIGH MASS 
Preacher: Fr Jim Walters, Chaplain LSE. Sermon Theme: Faithfulness 
Krönungsmesse, K317 – Mozart 
Easter Hymn – Mascagni

Easter Sunday Lunch is being cooked by Stuart Voy. Roast leg of lamb with market vegetables, dessert and coffee – £5/ticket, on sale at the Church shop before and after Mass (subject to availability). Please join us.  

6pm FESTAL EVENSONG, Te Deum and Benediction 
Preacher: Fr Julian Browning 
Magnificat in A – Stanford 
Te Deum- Setting in B flat – Stanford 
Dum transisset sabbatum – Taverner 


EASTER MONDAY MASS – 12 Noon Mass only. 

HIGH MASS with Holy Baptism (Christian Edward Brash), 11am 
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses 
Jugendmesse – Haydn 
Beati quorum via – Stanford 

Preacher: Fr Michael Bowie 
Murrill in E 
Christ ist erstanden – Schubert 



Following the success of the Parish Pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona a couple of years ago, Fr Gerald Beauchamp and Fr Michael Bowie are planning a pilgrimage to Italy next year. The itinerary includes San Giovanni Rotondo, Loreto, Ravenna & Assisi . Cost £1,400 (approx). If you are interested in joining the party please contact Fr Gerald ( or Fr Michael ( Thank you.

Thank you to those who stepped up to help with our very successful Palm Sunday Procession – we are grateful for your help. 

Our Lenten almsgiving is directed to support our regular Mission Projects (USPG and the Marylebone Project), the Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal 2017 and the Soup Kitchen at the American Church.  The proceeds will be shared between the four charities (please pick up a Lent Appeal Information pack in a white envelope at the door of Church). 

The All Saints’ Lent Appeal in 2016 raised over £8,000. Please give generously this year so we can try and raise more than in 2017. Cheques should be made payable to: Parochial Church All Saints. Please use a Gift Aid envelope wherever possible since it increases the value of your gift by 25% at no cost to you. Please try to return your donation to the Parish Office by Sunday 30 April for prompt counting and claiming of Gift Aid.  

PARISH RETREAT, 19 – 21 MAY 2017
This year the Retreat will be from May 19-21 at Bishop Woodford House in Ely. It will be conducted by Fr Michael Bowie. If you want to come, or would like further information, please contact Martin Woolley on 07976275383 or at Rooms will be allocated in the order in which bookings are received.

The WALSINGHAM NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE takes place on Monday 29 May. The preacher will be Padre Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap, Preacher to the Papal Household. As in previous years, a coach will leave All Saints at 7.30 am. Please contact Ross Buchanan, Assistant Secretary to the Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham, ASMS Mob: 07905 863578 or email: if you would like to book a place.

The ALL SAINTS PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM will take place from Friday 21 – Monday 24 July. Places are limited. So if you would like to book place and have not already done so or would like to know more, please also contact Ross Buchanan (details above) as soon as possible.

BEYOND ALL SAINTS and of interest…

WIGMORE HALL – The Purcell School – Saturday 22 April, 11.30am
Several of the School’s Chamber ensembles are performing
a programme including works by: Ligeti, Brahms, Andrès, Bowen and Holst. This is an hour long concert with no interval.  The All Saints’ congregation has been offered discounted tickets at £5 per ticket (full price £11-£13) . If anyone wishes to take up this offer, please contact Abigail Willer, Concerts Assistant: or phone 01923 331109.

HUGH PRICE HUGHES 2017 LECTURES – “Speaking of God in Public”
All lectures at Hinde St Methodist Church, London W1. Admission free. All welcome.
Tuesday 9 May at 7.30pm 
Which God? Which public?
Revd Gareth Powell [Secretary of the Methodist Conference]
Gareth will begin to explore these questions in the context of the Methodist Church in Britain today. What is our experience of God? Which “God” are we speaking about? In what context are we speaking, and to whom? What are the ‘points of contact’? And how, in the light of this, do we speak of God in public with confidence and imagination?
Men’s clothing
is needed by the Jesus Centre in Margaret Street and also by the Soup Kitchen at the American International Church, both of whom provide a daily range of services to homeless people. If you have women’s or men’s clothes to give away, please bring to Church and leave at the Parish Office so we can continue to help support our neighbours’ efforts. The Church Army is now also collecting women’s clothes for their Homeless Hostel so all donations can be found a good new home!

The Soup Kitchen specifically calls for: men’s trousers (sizes 32-36) and men’s sturdy/athletic shoes (sizes 9-12 especially) and say ‘we are also beginning to need men’s outerwear of all varieties and we always need rucksacks and duffle-bags to help our guests carry their belongings!’

The Soup Kitchen team (only part-time) asks: ‘Please drop me a line if you are planning to drop things off here. As always, many thanks for your support.’ Soup Kitchen at the American International Church, 79a Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TD T: 020 7580 2791

* If you would like to encourage others to take an interest in All Saints/keep up with what is happening here
, please forward this email on to them, or to people you would like to invite to services or tell them about our, which has a full colour 360 virtual tour for viewing the wonderfully restored interior of the Church – tour – before a visit or if unable to travel. 

If you know of others (near or far) who would like to receive this regular update on what’s happening at All Saints please encourage them to sign up for the email on the All Saints website – see the tab News & Events> Weekly Newsletter

* If you would like prayers offered at All Saints, please email the Parish Administrator Mrs Dee Prior at: Or make use of the prayer request facility on the website at: 

* If you would like any pastoral assistance, please do not hesitate to contact:

The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses:

Or Assistant Priest Fr Michael Bowie:

On major weekday feasts, High Mass is sung at 6.30pm 

SUNDAYS in Church 
Low Mass 6.30pm (Saturday), 8am and 5.15pm. Morning Prayer 10.20am
HIGH MASS and SERMON, 11am and   


Morning Prayer 7.30am
Low Mass – 8am, 1.10pm and 6.30pm
Evening Prayer 6pm
(Except Bank Holidays – 12 noon Mass only) 

Low Mass – 12 noon and 6.30pm (First Mass of Sunday) 
Evening Prayer 6pm


A priest is available for confessions/counsel Monday – Friday from 12.30-1pm and at 5.30pm Monday – Saturday, or by appointment. (Special arrangements apply in Lent and for Holy Week.) and e-mail: