All Saints Parish Newsletter 28th March 2014
Dear Friends,
The Fourth Sunday in Lent has acquired a number of extra names. One of them is “Refreshment Sunday” – a break halfway through the fast of Lent. We mark it with the mid-Lent treat of Simnel Cake.
On Lady Day, the feast of the Annunciation, many of us from All Saints joined our sister-parish at Marble Arch to celebrate its feast day. Fr. Gerald had managed to secure Bishop Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, now the Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, as preacher. We were blessed with a profound meditation on the mystery of the Annunciation, delivered without a note.
He spoke of the unborn Christ-child’s dependence on his mother for sustenance as being an essential part of that being human which he came to share. That need for food remains throughout our life. That dependence on others remains too. What is true of physical food is true also of spiritual. We need spiritual food, and we are dependent on God, working through his Church, to provide it. We depend for our nourishment and growth on the Good Shepherd, of whom we will sing in the 23rd Psalm at Mass, that he leads us to pasture and spreads a table before us: the table of word and sacrament. The heavenly food we share in the one bread and one cup binds us to God and to each other. Through it we grow in relationship to God and one another. It is through our relationship with others, including those who are not like us, even with those we do not much like and who do not much like us, that we grow into the people God means us to be.
The more we take being a disciple of Jesus seriously, the more we will hunger for the food which he alone can provide; the more we seek to grow in the life which is relationship with God, the more we will need the fellowship we find with our brothers and sisters at his table.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
Prebendary Alan Moses
Vicar of All Saints Margaret Street
Area Dean of Westminster & St Marylebone
Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers: Harry Allan, Alan Bishton, Jean Brackston, Rachel Clayton, Rosie Davis, Ursula Edwards, Canon David Garlick, Geoff, Yvonne & Philip Harland, Denise Inge, Jill, Fr Kevin, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Christine Loffty, Santa Luca, Kerry Manuel, Jonathan Mani-Weoki, Norman Newby, Andrew O’Connor, Stephen Short and Joy Wright.
For the recently departed: Sister Margaret ASSP, John Cook, Sister Edwina S.L.G, Frederick Parrot, Shereka Marsch, Michael Powell.
At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): William Ingareill, Mani Elizabeth Blake, Cecil Goringe Saltford-Beaman, Hilary Phyllis Chadwick-Healey, John Thackeray Hanvey, Holbrook Gaskell, Charles Gage-Brown, John Nigel Rowe (Priest), Robin Miles Powis, Alexander Burnett-Brown, Harold Gaunt, John Wallace, Sister Mary Estell, Grace Trembath, John Gaskell (Snr), Nan Dunbar, Patrick Scott (Priest), Elizabeth Usherwood, Margaret Roche, Christopher Ryan.
WORSHIP AT ALL SAINTS THIS SUNDAY, 30 March – Fourth Sunday of Lent
This is ‘Refreshment Sunday’ half way through Lent. Rose-coloured vestments are worn and the organ is played at High Mass and Evensong. This is also known as Mothering Sunday. We pray for our mothers and for our holy mother the Church. Traditional Simnel Cake will be served after Mass and you are all cordially invited to refreshments after the service.
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Mass in C – Schubert
Otche nash – Arensky
Choral Evensong & Benediction, 6pm
Preacher: Fr Julian Browning
Service in C – Stanford
Ave Maria – Bruckner
At this meeting the Churchwardens for the year 2014-2015 will be appointed. Members of the Electoral Roll and residents of the Parish on the Electoral Register are eligible to attend. Any person wishing to be considered for the Post of Churchwarden must be (a) 21 years of age or over, (b) on the Electoral Roll and (c) an actual communicant member of the Church of England. Nominations must be proposed and seconded, and candidates must indicate their willingness to stand. Nominations for the post of Churchwarden MAY NOT be made at the meeting. Prebendary L. A. Moses, Vicar
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will follow immediately. Only members of the Electoral Roll are eligible to attend. At the meeting four members of the laity will be elected to serve on the Deanery Synod for the years 2014-2017. Retiring members are Mr R Buchanan, Mr C Stephens, Dr D Thomas and Mr M Woolley. All are eligible for re-election.
Six members of the laity will be elected to serve on the Parochial Church Council for the years 2014-2017, and three members of the laity to serve for the year 2014. The retiring members of the Council are Miss G Dare, Mr D Fielden, Miss C Hodgetts, Mr R Oram, Mr G Prince and Mr Q Williams. Of these, only Mr Williams is NOT ELIGIBLE for re-election. The one year vacancies have been caused by the resignations from the PCC of Mr D Brash, Mrs D Prior and Dr N Hartman.
Candidates for election must be (a) on the Electoral Roll, (b) at least 16 years of age, and (c) actual communicant members of the Church of England. All nominations must be proposed and seconded by persons on the Electoral Roll and all candidates must indicate a willingness to stand. Nomination forms may be obtained from the PCC Secretary but may also be made at the meeting. Sidesmen for the year 2014-2015 will be appointed at the meeting.
Dilys M. Thomas, Hon PCC Secretary
Sunday 30 March – ‘This is our Faith’ Group meets at 4pm in the Vicarage.
“The Joy of the Gospel” – a study of Pope Francis’s Letter on “The Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World” – Thursday Evenings from 6 March onwards, 7pm in the Parish Room.
“Love bade me welcome”- The Poetry of George Herbert – Friday Mornings from 7 March onwards, 11am in the Vicarage.
THE WAY OF THE CROSS – Friday evenings in Church at 7pm throughout Lent.
Our Lenten self-denial is complemented by giving alms to those in need.
Almsgiving this year is divided between All Saints’ Mission Projects:
- The Church Army Hostel for Homeless Women in Marylebone, providing emergency housing and enabling them to find long-term accommodation and work.
- The work of Us (formerly USPG) in Zimbabwe tackling the stigma associated with people having HIV-Aids
and The Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal, which will support:
- ALMA (The Angola, London and Mozambique Association) and
- The Bishop of London’s Mission Fund, which is aimed at reaching ‘beyond the walls of the church’ to increase its mission work in areas of social need as well as keeping pace with the needs of the growing church in London. Since 2004, 100 projects + have received grants totalling £3.8M.
Lent Boxes are available for you to collect in church. Please return by Easter.
CHORAL EVENING PRAYER & BENEDICTION – Saturday 5 April, 3pm at St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate. Responses: Thomas Tomkins, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Henry Purcell – from “Evening Service in G minor” and Thomas Tallis – Lamentations of Jeremiah I. With the St. Cyprian’s Singers, directed by: Julian Collings.
POETRY TEA – Sunday 6 April, 3pm at Pamela’s
All welcome. The subject will be “My Favourite Poems or Prose”. Bring pieces you have written – why not take this opportunity to showcase your best work – or best-loved pieces you have read. To accept or to find out Pamela’s address please ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 and leave a message with your name and phone number. Cost £6 towards the All Saints Restoration Fund.
SPRING CONCERT in memory of Nicholas Luff – Thursday 10 April at 7.30pm, the Musicians’ Church, St Sepulchre-without-Newgate (opposite the Old Bailey, London EC1A 2DQ) – The London Ripieno Society directed by Geoffrey Hanson. Programme: Requiem Mass – Duruflé, Stabat Mater – Rheinberger, Motets – Bruckner. Tickets £10 (concs £8) online at or telephone the Treasurer on 020 7724 2046 or by email:
For this particularly special time at All Saints, we welcome as our preacher an old friend of All Saints: Bishop John Flack. His ministry has stretched from West Yorkshire to Rome, as Director of the Anglican Centre and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Holy See. More recently he has served as both a parish priest and an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Peterborough. All services sung by the Choir of All Saints.
10.45am Liturgy of Palms in Market Place, W1
Procession to Church and HIGH MASS
6pm Passiontide Music, Readings and BENEDICTION
MON – WEDS in Holy Week, 14, 15, 16 APRIL – 6.30pm Low Mass with Homily
TENEBRAE for Maundy Thursday
Concelebrated HIGH MASS of the Lord’s Supper
GOOD FRIDAY, 18 APRIL, 12 noon The Preaching of the Passion
1 – 3pm The Solemn Liturgy & Veneration of the Cross
6.30pm Stations of the Cross
HOLY SATURDAY, 19 APRIL, 12 noon Liturgy of the Day and
9pm HIGH MASS of the Easter Vigil
11am Procession, Blessing of the Easter Garden and HIGH MASS
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
6pm Festal Evensong, Te Deum and Benediction
Preacher: Fr Michael Bowie, Assistant Priest
CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WESTMINSTER – Visit to All Saints – Thursday 24 April. Hosted by All Saints Margaret Street, from 6 – 8.30pm. All are welcome to join this visit to this Grade 1 Listed Anglican Church regarded as one of the foremost examples of High Victorian Gothic architecture in Britain. 6pm Evening Prayer – 6.30pm Low Mass (Anglican) Communicant members of other Churches are welcome to receive Holy Communion at this Mass, or receive a blessing. Followed by a welcome from Prebendary Alan Moses (Vicar), Talk/Tour of the Church by John Forde (Churchwarden) and Refreshments.
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis specially written for the occasion by Martin Bruce (Headmaster, Christ Church Cathedral School, Oxford). Anthem “Let all the World in every corner sing” by Louis Halsey. Organist: Harry Bramma. Afternoon Tea is offered after the service in the Courtyard (if the weather is fine), with a chance to meet up and reminisce. All welcome – please come and support the former Choristers
ALL SAINTS PARISH RETREAT – Friday 30 May to Sunday 1 June 2014
This year’s retreat at Bishop Woodford House, Ely will be conducted by Fr Julian Browning, and is now well but not fully subscribed. We need four more people, and can take up to eight. The cost (standard room) is £130. Enquiries please to or on 0207 436 2858 or 07976 275 383. The order of receipt or requests to participate will, as usual, be carefully noted to enable peaceful allocation of rooms and facilities. Full details will be issued in due course to those who put their names down.
WORSHIP NEXT SUNDAY – 6 APRIL – Fifth Sunday of Lent
(Passiontide begins) HIGH MASS, 11am
Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Mass for five voices – Byrd
Versa est in luctum – Lobo
Choral Evensong & Benediction, 6pm with Licensing of Fr Michael Bowie as Assistant Priest
Preacher: The Venerable William Jacob
Collegium Regale – Howells
Timor et tremor – Poulenc
ALL SAINTS RESTORATION – Lighting & Electrical Renewal Update
The display of our proposals for this Restoration Project continues in the Baptistery. We have now received approval to proceed with this essential work in our Grade 1 Listed Church, but must secure all the funds to go ahead. We are delighted to announce that we have now raised or had pledged £177,730 (72% of target), but still have a further £72,270 to find. While we are approaching Trusts and other Grant-giving bodies for the short-fall, if there is anyone who has not yet contributed, please do so via the Parish Office (with Gift Aid wherever possible). Thank you to everyone who has already contributed donations large and small; we are extremely grateful. We hope that works will commence after Easter in 2014.
Further Communications or Assistance from All Saints Margaret Street:-
* If you would like to encourage others to take an interest in All Saints/keep up with what is happening here, please forward this email on to them, or to people you would like to invite to services.
* If you know of others who would like to receive this correspondence please encourage them to sign up for the email on the All Saints website – see the tab News & Events> Weekly Newsletter.
* If you would like prayers offered at All Saints, please email the Parish Administrator Mrs Dee Prior at:
If you would like any pastoral assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses:
DAILY SERVICES (the Church is open every day of the week from 7am to 7pm)
Low Mass at 6.30pm (Saturday), 8am and 5.15pm
Morning Prayer at 10.20am
Morning Prayer at 7.30am
Low Mass at 8am, 1.10pm and 6.30pm
Confessions from 12.30pm -1pm and 5.30pm
Evening Prayer at 6pm
Morning Prayer at 7.30am
Low Mass at 8.00am and 6.30pm (First Mass of Sunday)
Confessions at 5.30pm
Evening Prayer at 6pm
On major weekday feasts, High Mass is sung at 6.30pm.
A priest is available in church for confessions or counsel every weekday from 12.30-1pm (except Saturdays) and at 5.30pm, or by appointment. The clergy are always happy to see anyone for whatever reason. Please enquire at the Parish Office (to the right as you enter the church courtyard). and e-mail: