All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 2nd August 2013

All Saints Parish Newsletter 2nd August 2013

Tuesday is the Feast of the Transfiguration – somewhat neglected in the midst of the summer holidays.  In St. Luke’s account, read at the Eucharist, he tells us that, ‘while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.’ 

Prayer may not have the immediate visual effect of a facelift or a visit to the
dry-cleaners, but we should not underestimate its capacity to transform life;
and not just some pious bit, but the whole of life.  One of the reasons I have persevered in trying to pray all these years is because I have seen the difference it made to others who have. They seem to have a quality of attention to others which grows out of their attention to God; a calm and serenity which suffuses the whole of their life; even a translucent quality, a glow. 

The trio of disciples who had gone up the mountain with Jesus, struggling to stay awake (not unlike us sometimes, on a sweltering day), hear him talking with Moses and Elijah – representing the Law and the Prophets – speaking of his “departure,
which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem;”
his passion. The prayer of
Jesus, and prayer in union with him, is about reality not fantasy. Listening to
Scripture helps ground us in reality. It also enables us to see the possibility
of that reality being transformed.

Then they hear the voice of God saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to
We sometimes imagine that things would have been so much different if we had been able to listen to Jesus speaking alongside those disciples. However, there is not much sign in the gospels that they got the message during his earthly life, but only after his resurrection. Like them, we are able to listen to the risen Christ present as he speaks to us in the Gospel. There will be times when that voice is very direct and personal; others when the effect is more gradual and cumulative. Listening to him is an on-going process, not a one off.  Sometimes his words will seem more challenging than comfortable. That is a sign of their authenticity; that it really is Jesus speaking to us and not just ourselves murmuring comfortable words.


Yours in Christ,


Fr. Alan Moses



Please pray for those who have asked for prayers: Harry Allan, Margaret Campbell, Rachel Clayton, Bishop Roy Davies, Rosie Davis, Sheena Cruse, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen, Dolores King, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Miriam Morris, Marimar Perez Fabo, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Ian Stevens, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, David and Jo Vincent, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall. 

The recently departed: Eleanor Valerie Southcott (whose Memorial Service is 2 August), Isabella Lowson, David Botsford (whose Funeral was 1 August), Bridget Dudley, Judith Jackson-Stevens, Sabrina Fry, Hubert Gralka (whose Funeral was 1 August), Margaret Cooper, David Collins, Gloria Mensah.

At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): Donald Scott, Mona Morgan, Julian Davies, Jessie Graves, Dave Archer (Server at All Saints),  Harriet Gray, Sidney Jane Browne, Gay Cardew, Leslie York, Andrew Heley, David Johnstone, Charles Oram, Marie-Olivier Mercy, David Welch.


On Sunday 4 August we say thank you for all the fine music he has provided us and farewell to James Perkins, our Organ Scholar of the last three years. We wish him well in his musical studies in 2013/14 and hope that he will visit us again in the future.

For August/early September – the Parish Office will be open from 9 – 5 for a
limited number of days per week as follows:- 
                           W/c Monday 5 August – open Mon/Wed/Fri.
                           W/c 12 August – open Mon/Thur/Fri. 
                           W/c 19 August – open every day except Thursday.  
                           W/c 25 August – open Tue/Weds/Fri. 
                           W/c 2 September – open Mon/Weds/Thurs.

Voicemail messages may be left on the telephone (020 7636 1788) and emails can
be sent. They will be dealt with as soon as possible.

Next Sunday – 11 August 2013 Eleventh Sunday after Trinity – Preachers & Music

11am High Mass:
Preacher: Prebendary Alan Moses
Missa ‘Simile est regnum cælorum’ – Lobo
O how amiable are thy dwellings – Weelkes

6pm Evensong & Benediction:
Preacher: Fr Neil Bunker
Service in the Dorian Mode – Tallis
Salve Regina – Poulenc  


The Diocese of London would like to say thank you to all the churches who supported this year’s lent appeal in aid of the Amos Trust and the Street Child World Cup which takes place in March 2014. The money has been coming in over the last few months and they are pleased to say that thanks to the hard work and generosity of many of the churches within the diocese the appeal has thus far raised £24,618.

The Street Child World Cup is not just for Lent, and you can get information  by contacting for details and to hear about events and updates on the Street Child World Cup, just sign up to the Amos Trust e-newsletter. Thank you once again for your support.

“When people see us by the streets, they say that we are the street boys. But when they see us playing soccer, they say that we are not the street boys. They say that we are people like them. They are people like us.”
Andile, former Street Child, South Africa.


Thursday 15 August, 6.30pm

ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Procession and High Mass. Preacher: Prebendary Alan Green of St John’s Bethnal Green.
Mass Setting: Missa ‘Assumpta est
Maria’—Palestrina. Anthem: Assumpta est Maria—Philips.
On this occasion, Confessions before High Mass will be at 5.15pm.

Saturday 17 August, 3pm POETRY TEA – ‘Being a Woman Poetically’ at the Annunciation Marble Arch, Bryanston Street, LONDON W1H 7AH. All
welcome. Please bring poems or prose on the subject of ‘womanhood or motherhood’. We have chosen this theme as we are celebrating the Feast of the Assumption that week and it seems a good opportunity to explore what poets and
writers have said about the feminine in our culture.  To attend, please contact Gillian Dare (T: 020 8579 5898 or email
or Sandra Wheen (T: 020 7637 8456) or Father Gerald  ( leaving your name and phone number if you
ring. Cost £6, in aid of the All Saints Restoration Fund.

Sunday 18 August, after High Mass – a meeting of the Events Committee.

Monday 9 September, 7pm – a meeting of the PCC in the Parish Room.

Friday 13 September, 7pm for 7.30pm QUIZ NIGHT at St. Cyprian’s Church, Glentworth Street, NW1 6AX. This very popular event is staged once again, with the opportunity for teams of up to 6 people each to take part. The charge is £10
per person payable on the night (including refreshments).

Saturday 14 September, RIDE+STRIDE
Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk with people from all over the country walking/cycling between churches, exploring and enjoying the countryside from Cornwall to Northumberland. The money raised helps to preserve some of Britain’s 47,000 churches, chapels and meeting houses which are at risk of falling into serious disrepair.

Supported by The National Churches Trust and in partnership with County
Churches Trusts nationwide, Ride+Stride crosses 34 counties and opens the doors
to some of Britain’s most rare and unusual churches, chapels and meeting
houses. To help raise money for these wonderful buildings you will need to be
sponsored by your friends and family. Further details to follow.

“Our churches have borne witness to centuries of
fascinating and engaging news. They’re pivotal to our history and vital for
communities.  Cycling and sightseeing to stop Churches crumbling is
something we can all do.”
Jon Snow (Channel 4 news presenter and Ride + Stride patron) 

Sunday 15 September, after High Mass – a Mission Committee meeting.

Tuesday 17 – Sunday 22 September, 12 – 6pm – JOHN LEWIS PARTNERSHIP ARTS & CRAFT CLUB 2013 EXHIBITION, Parish Room. No charge.  

Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September OPEN HOUSE LONDON – the capital’s greatest architectural showcase. Open House London celebrates all that is best about the capital’s buildings, places and neighbourhoods. Every September, it gives a unique opportunity to get out and under the skin of London’s amazing architecture, with over 700 buildings of all kinds opening their doors to everyone – all for free. All Saints is participating in this event once again with talks on the history of the church given by Churchwarden John Forde.

Thursday 26 September, 7pm at the Annunciation Marble Arch, Bryanston
Street, London W1H 7AH
Iona Pilgrimage Meeting. There is an exploratory meeting led by Fr Gerald Beauchamp for all those interested in going on the Iona pilgrimage being planned for April 2015.

Saturday 28 September, 7.30pm St John the Evangelist,
Duncan Terrace N1 8AL ORGAN RECITAL – PETER STEVENS of Westminster Cathedral will be appearing in the 50th Anniversary Organ Recital Series since the opening of the Walker Organ.

Sunday 29 September, 7.15pm (after Benediction) ORGAN RECITAL – CHARLES ANDREWS, Associate Director of Music All Saints. Programme includes: Bach, Franck and Heiller. Retiring collection for the All Saints Choir and Music Trust (suggested donation £3.50).