All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 30th August 2013

All Saints Parish Newsletter 30th August 2013

Dear Friends,

Last week’s letter came from one of the cradles of Christianity in England, the land of Durham and Jarrow, Lindisfarne and Whitby.

This week’s comes from its French equivalent, the region around Poitiers: the land of St. Hilary and St. Radegund; where St. Martin had his monastery at Liguge, before becoming bishop of Tours.

Yesterday a drive, followed by a 12 km walk, took us to the Abbey of St. Savin with the 12th century roof paintings which make it a Unesco World Heritage Site.

But it is still a church. The sanctuary lamp burns beside the tabernacle with the sacramental presence of the Christ who is “the same yesterday and today and for ever,” as this Sunday’s reading from Hebrews tells us.

Votive candles burn before a mass-produced statue of Our Lady; a piece of kitsch which seems to have slipped in among such architectural splendour when no one was looking but seems set to stay. Popular piety seems to have come to a truce with aesthetic taste.

Votive candle stands have invaded our cathedrals too – rather to the surprise of theological purists who think them childish. Yet like Our Lady at Savin, they seem set to stay because they speak to the human heart and its needs; to people, moved perhaps to pray by the wordless splendour of a building, but perhaps not knowing what to do or say.  They give something to do and, in the face of Christ or his Mother or some other saint, a sympathy with our longing or loss, our joys and our sorrows; a sense of someone who prays with us and for us.

And we, as a community of God’s people, are called to pray with them: to remember our leaders, those who speak the word of God to us, our fellow-believers who suffer for the faith, as Hebrews teaches us; and all those other groups and individuals mentioned in the liturgy day by day.

That liturgy, I celebrate for a time in a French country garden or parish church, but still at one with you all in that “Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday and today and for ever.”

Fr. Alan Moses

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers:
Harry Allan, Damon Brash, Peter Burbidge, Margaret Campbell, Rachel Clayton, Sheena Cruse, Rosie Davis, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen, Linda Jervis, Jill, Mary Johnstone, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Miriam Morris, Rev. Andrew O’Connor, Marimar Perez Fabo, The Ven. Jim Rone, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Ian Stevens, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, David and Jo Vincent, Heather Walker, Pat Walker, Wendy Wall.

For the recently departed: David Collins, Gloria Mensah, Francis Gordon Kerr (priest), Jacob Subbiah, John Webb, Bishop Roy Davies, Rotimi Roberts, Robert LLoyd (Priest) whose funeral is today, William Page (funeral 5 September) and Pauline Dossor.

At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): Edward Tagoe, Vera Arde-Acquah, Sophie Garrett, Kathleen Heales, Elizabeth Betty Little, Francesca Morcom, Harold Matts, Joanne, Guy and Alicia Wace, Anne Adams, Edith Senior, (Emily) Maud Burling, Nell Titley.


W/c 2 September – the Parish Office will be open from 9 – 5 every day except Tuesday. Voicemail messages and emails will be dealt with as soon as possible.

Preachers & Music:
11am High Mass: Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Mass Setting: Missa ‘Alma Redemptoris Mater’ – Victoria
Anthem: Ave Maria (a 5) – Philips

6pm Evensong & Benediction: Preacher: Fr Gerald Beauchamp
Service in G — Stanford. Anthem: Ave Maria – Rachmaninov

Weekdays at The Annunciation Marble Arch from Sept 2013
From September Quentin Williams and Stuart Voy, two Margaret Street servers will be acting as volunteer vergers at The Annunciation, enabling the church to be open Monday – Friday, 11.00am – 4.30pm at least. During this time Quentin and Stuart will usually be on hand to welcome visitors.

In addition to the 12.30pm Low Mass on Tuesdays the Angelus is now rung at Noon every day and the Midday Office will be said on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 12.30pm. This will include the names of those who have asked for intercession. On the second Friday of each month there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day. Fr Gerald Beauchamp has also written a short ‘Prayer Pilgrimage’ around the building for those who would like spiritual guidance while in church.

It is very exciting to see The Annunciation continuing to develop. Like All Saints, when you open the doors all sorts of people come in. If you are in the Marble Arch area, why not join them?


Saturday 7 September, 3pm – St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, Glentworth Street NW1 6AX – Church Open Day – Choral Evening Prayer and Benediction. Responses: Humphrey Clucas, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Herbert Howells – Collegium Regale, Anthem: Edward Bairstow – ‘Blessed city heavenly Salem’. The St. Cyprian’s Singers, directed by: Julian Collings.

Monday 9 September, 7pm –a meeting of the All Saints PCC in the Parish Room.

Wednesday 11 September, 1pm – St Cyprian’s Clarence Gate – Organ Recital by Julian Collings.

QUIZ NIGHT at St. Cyprian’s, Friday 13 September, 7pm for 7.30pm
This very popular event is being staged again, with the opportunity for teams of up to 6 people each to take part. Charge £10 per person payable on the night (including refreshments). Contact Chris Self by please to let him know you have a team that wants to participate.

Saturday 14 September, RIDE+STRIDE
Supported by The National Churches Trust
Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk with people from all over the country walking/cycling between churches. Funds raised help preserve some of Britain’s 47,000 churches, chapels and meeting houses at risk of falling into serious disrepair. To help raise money for these wonderful buildings you will need to be sponsored by your friends and family.  Anyone at All Saints who wants to take part in Ride+Stride 2013 – please see Chris Self, Churchwarden for a Sponsorship form after High Mass.

Sunday 15 September, 10.30am – St
Cyprian’s Clarence Gate, SAINT CYPRIAN’S DAY HIGH MASS with licencing of Fr Simon Stokes as Curate (SSM) by The Ven. Dr Bill Jacob, Archdeacon of Charing Cross (who will also preach). Mass setting: Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G minor. Communion Motet: Benjamin Britten: ‘Jubilate in C’. Followed by a reception 

Sunday 15 September, after High Mass at All Saints – there will be a Mission Committee meeting at All Saints.

Tuesday 17 – Sunday 22 September, 12 – 6pm, Parish Room – 2013
Entry is free of charge.  A variety of works will be on display and for sale: including jewellery, needlework, pottery and original watercolours and oil paintings. NB. Purchases may only be collected from Sunday 22 September after Evensong.

OPEN HOUSE LONDON – the capital’s greatest architectural showcase  
Saturday 21 (10am-5pm) and Sunday 22 (1 – 5pm) September
Open House London celebrates all that is best about the capital’s buildings, places and neighbourhoods. Every September, it gives a unique opportunity to get out and under the skin of London’s amazing architecture, with over 700 buildings of all kinds opening their doors to everyone – all for free. All Saints is participating once again with talks on the history of the church given by Churchwarden John Forde – Saturday 11am and 3pm, Sunday at 2pm. 

*** We had over 600 people visit All Saints for Open House London 2012. We need lots of volunteers to welcome visitors in 2013. Please see Chris Self to put your name down on his rota of 2 hours slots (or more!). Thank you! *** 

Sunday 22 September, after Evensong – the All Saints Club Annual General Meeting will be held in the Bar.

Thursday 26 September, 7pm at the Annunciation Marble Arch, Bryanston Street, London W1H 7AH– there is an exploratory meeting led by Fr Gerald Beauchamp for all those interested in going on the Iona pilgrimage which is being planned for April 2015.

Sunday 29 September, 7.15pm (after Benediction at All Saints): ORGAN RECITAL – CHARLES ANDREWS, Associate Director of Music. Programme includes: Bach, Franck and Heiller. Retiring collection to support the Choir and Music at All Saints (suggested donation £3.50).


Saturday 28 September, 7.30pm St John the Evangelist, Duncan Terrace N1 8AL – ORGAN RECITAL – PETER STEVENS of Westminster Cathedral will be appearing in the 50th Anniversary Organ Recital Series since the opening of the Walker Organ.

Thursday 24 October 13.05, St John’s, Smith Square – Lunchtime organ recital – TIM BYRAM-WIGFIELD, Director of Music All Saints.

Tuesday 8 October 13.00, St Lawrence Jewry – Lunchtime organ recital – CHARLES ANDREWS, Associate Director of Music.