All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 6th November 2015

All Saints Parish Newsletter 6th November 2015

Dear Friend,
Third Sunday before Advent (Remembrance)

Remembrance is not a word we use all the time anymore; we use it of next Sunday, Remembrance Sunday, and we use it in the Mass, quoting our Lord: ‘do this in remembrance of me’. The Mass is all about offering and sacrifice: it is the offering of bread and wine which Jesus gave us to replace the old sacrifices of the Jewish temple, which involved killing animals in place of people. Jesus promised that in making this offering of bread and wine and sharing in communion we are joined to his perfect sacrificial offering of himself on the cross; ‘remembrance’ is the word we use to distinguish this from just ‘remembering’. Remembering is about something past and gone but remembrance is not just about the past; it is done to keep the memory live. And that’s true about Remembrance Sunday as well 

The Church has always taught that our charity should not be limited to the living. Charity and prayer cross the last boundary, death itself, and when we pray for the dead in the month of November, on All Souls Day and on Remembrance Sunday, our remembering keeps more than a memory alive: it reminds us that we are in communion with those who have gone before us, who await the completion of their hope in God.  

We pray for all the dead who need our prayer. On Sunday we give thanks and pray especially for those who died for others’ safety and freedom. But we pray also for those we have known and those from whose generosity, anonymous to us, we have benefited. Our charity and prayers also embrace all those who have died lonely deaths in the absence of love and support. They are part of our ministry of prayer. When we die we will be supported by the charity of the Christian community, remembering us in prayer. We belong to a great tradition of fellowship and love, which acknowledges no boundaries except those of God’s far-reaching welcome: we give thanks for particular sacrifices as signs to us of true and costly loving and we pray that the love of the crucified Christ may welcome the souls of all those who have gone before us, and especially those killed in war, into his Father’s house, to the dwelling which he has promised to prepare for every one of us.

The best worship offered by Christians is always the Eucharist, because in the sacrament our remembering becomes a present reality. That is one reason why this Sunday can be so potent a signal of faith: remembrance, when it is not just about nationalism or sentiment, but focuses on love and sacrifice, is an image of what God does to forgive and renew us all if we come faithfully to receive it from him. Jesus died on the cross, having been horribly tortured and we have a crucifix over altar and pulpit so that we will remember him and his enduring sacrifice. But also we pray (with the penitent thief) that he remembers us. We know that he loves every one of those men and women who suffer in war. Their sacrifice is, at its best, like his. But there is a difference. They have not chosen to die or be wounded; they have done it because we have required it of them. That means we have a great responsibility to them: to the dead, to do better about making and keeping peace; to the living, to care for them and never to forget them. Remembrance is about the living too.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Michael Bowie
Assistant Priest 
All Saints Margaret Street

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers: Asia Bibi, Margaret Bowie, John Bradshaw, Fr Allan Buick, Peter Burbidge, James Cary-Elwes, Ian Coull, Dennis Davis, Mark Dougly, Kate Down, David Fettke, Jonty Gordon, Gaby Grace, Lewis Harvey, Gwyneth Hopkins, Pat Hunt, Alice Jullien, Andrew Laird, Tom Leader, Christine Loffty, Sister Martha (SMNC Tanzania), Hilary Morgan, Joseph Musah, Miriam Nelson, Gordon Orme, Fr David Paton, David Pearce, Eileen Prior, Canon John Rees, Nick Russell, Jock Scott, Baby Arthur Sellers, Stella Skinner, Rose Stephens, Judy Stewart, Buzz Stokes, Christine van Dyck, Jo Vincent, Sylvia Welby-Cooke and Joy Wright.

For the recently departed: Sue Lloyd-Roberts, John Streeting (Priest), Marjorie Pass, Wayne Beresford, Jacqueline Lady Killearn (whose Funeral Requiem Mass took place at All Saints at 11am on Tuesday 27 October), Simon MacGregor, Brian Johnson, Rosetta Heard, Prebendary John Gaskell (High Mass of Requiem at All Saints on Friday 27 November at 6.30pm), Kenneth Sneath and Ian Hunter.

Remember past priests, benefactors, friends, and all whose year’s mind occurs this week including: Dudley Sholté, Arnold Fryer, John Groves, Alan Bishton, Paul Leyland, Violet Vanbrugh, Malcolm McHaffie (Priest), Dorothy Cavan, John Mayo (Priest), Miss Keeble, Arthur Hutchings, Sidney Dines, Annie Searles, George Scott (Server), Ethel Rawll, Sam Thorpe, Graham Hawkes (PCC Member and Trustee of the Choir & Music Fund) and Rachel Clayton (year’s mind).

THE ALL SAINTS FESTIVAL APPEAL 2015 is to be split between two important causes: 
All Saints’ mission the Marylebone Project
 (run by the Church Army) – empowering homeless women into independent living. Our money contributes to the emergency bed unit, providing emergency accommodation for women escaping domestic violence, financial crisis, sexual exploitation and mental health issues. 

The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East 
This small UK based charity works in northern Iraq, Jordan, Israel and Palestine, providing food, medical relief and accommodation to refugees in the camps and to the internally displaced in Iraq who have been made homeless by Isis. We have chosen this charity because they: ‘try very strongly to ensure that the donations we receive go directly towards our work in the Middle East and to minimise the cost of administration by working with trusted partners who have local knowledge and will ensure donations are used well’.

Further information about the work of both charities is displayed in the baptistery at the back of the church. Please give generously – gift-aiding your donations wherever you can (so that your generosity is increased 25%). If you can’t visit All Saints, please send cheques payable to: Parochial Church All Saints in an envelope marked FESTIVAL APPEAL to: 
Dee Prior, Parish Administrator, All Saints Church, 7 Margaret Street, London W1W 8JG.

Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Mass in E minor – Lloyd Webber
Requiem aeternum – Howells

There is no Sunday Lunch service but it resumes on Sunday 15 November, when Robin Clutterham is chef and tickets are £5 on sale in the Parish Shop before and after Mass. 

Preacher: Father Julian Browning
Bairstow in G
Iustorum animae – Stanford

Preacher: Father Michael Bowie
Messe en sol mineur, pour trois voix d’hommes – Lemmens
Never weather-beaten sail – Campion

There is Sunday Lunch service and Robin Clutterham is chef. Tickets are £5 on sale in the Parish Shop before and after Mass.

Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses
Dyson in F
O gladsome light – Darke


HIGH MASS OF REQUIEM for PREBENDARY JOHN GASKELL – this will take place on Friday 27 November at 6.30pm. Preacher: Fr Victor Stock.

CHURCH READERS – the Vicar is keen to have more of the younger members of the congregation on the list of readers. Martin Woolley (; 07976275383) will be delighted to have expressions of interest from anyone who feels he or she is accurately so described and, indeed, from anyone else who might like to read in Church. Allie Hunter, welcome to the team! Cheers, Martin

VOLUNTEERS – Have you a bit of spare time and some skills you would like to contribute at All Saints? Churchwarden Chris Self is always looking for potential volunteers and can offer ways to get involved and contribute your time in support of activities at Church. Occasional assistance as well as regular help is always useful. Contact him: Tel: 0207 723 2938.

PENNY BOX COLLECTION – thank you to everyone who collected their small change in support of the All Saints Foundation. Some further funds came in since last week, boosting the total donated to: £205.06. Thank you!  

REGULAR YOGA CLASSES run at All Saints in the Parish Room between 6 and 7pm (please note revised time) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drop in price £12 per class (£9 per class for committing to the term). If anyone is interested in having further details of these sessions, being run by a local qualified teacher, contact Dee Prior in the Parish Office on 020 7636 1788 or e: 

All Saints’ thirteenth annual pilgrimage to the shrine at Walsingham will take place from Friday 15 to Monday 18 July 2016 after breakfast. Following the successful 2015 trial of extending the Pilgrimage time by staying on until Monday morning, we are repeating that formula next year. If you are interested (or would like to find out more) please speak to Jean Castledine at Church or contact Ross Buchanan on 020 7221 1312 or

Because of the Shrine’s limited capacity and booking arrangements, those who would like to attend in 2016 will need to pay a non-refundable deposit of £10 to the Parish Administrator, Dee Prior, by the end of November 2015 to reserve a place on the Pilgrimage. A further £20 deposit will be required by Sunday 10 April 2016. Cash or cheques (made payable to All Saints PCC).


TICKETS ON SALE for KEATS ANCIENT AND MODERN – an afternoon of entertainment at All Saints – Sunday 15 November at 3pm. Come and see a film featuring one of our own congregation in the role of Fanny Brawne with the poet John Keats and hear the life story of a modern day Dr John Keet. £10 a ticket including a glass of wine – in aid of the All Saints Church Restoration Appeal. Tickets will be available from Sandra Wheen, Christine Levy and Pamela Botsford any Sunday after Mass.

ORGAN RECITAL – TIMOTHY BYRAM-WIGFIELD, Director of Music, Sunday 22 November, 7.15pm (after Benediction). Programme includes works by: Widor, Heiller, Ravel, Hollins and Howells. Free entry, retiring collection to support the Choir and Music at All Saints (suggested donation £4). The All Saints Licensed Club/Bar will be open afterwards.


CHRISTMAS POETRY TEA, Sunday 6 December 3pm, at Pamela’s.  All welcome.  Please bring Poetry or Prose on the subject of ‘Home’.  To accept, or to request Pamela’s address, please speak to Pamela or Sandra in the courtyard or ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 leaving your name and phone number.  Cost £6 in aid of the All Saints Restoration Appeal.

WALSINGHAM CELL VISIT – DECEMBER 2015 – TO NOTRE DAME DE FRANCE (French Church off Leicester Square) – the All Saints’ Cell of Walsingham plans a visit on Wednesday 9 December, 7pm to Evensong with a Talk on the history of the Church by Fr Kevin Mowbray followed by drinks. A fine modern ecclesiastical space with renowned Lady Chapel by Jean Cocteau and other historic and contemporary works of art, including a painting of Joan of Arc and a sculpture representing Our Lady of Mercy above the entrance welcoming visitors as they walk in from the street – Leicester Place. The sculptor was a famous French artist Georges-Laurent Saupique (1889-1961) who was head of the restoration work of Reims cathedral. All welcome.

ALL SAINTS’ ADVENT SERVICE of READINGS and MUSIC by candlelight – Sunday 29 November 2015, 6pm. All welcome – please bring some friends.

CAROL SINGING IN THE PARISH, Thursday 17 December, 6.30pm – Assemble at All Saints (Parish Office – via the door to the right of the church courtyard). All are welcome to come along and sing. Collection for the West London Day Centre & the Church Army Hostel for Homeless Women in Marylebone.
LUNCHTIME CAROL SERVICE, Friday 18 December, 12.30pm.
Mince pies and mulled wine served afterwards. Do join us in a lunchbreak or before or after Christmas shopping!

FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS and CAROLS – Monday 21 December 2015, 6pm.
Followed by mince pies and mulled wine. All welcome – please bring some friends

Please see the noticeboard in Church where other events may be advertised as space is limited in the Newsletter.


Some readers may remember a visit, tour of church and talk at All Saints earlier this year -given by Geology Professor Gordon Walkden and attended by about twenty people, including representatives from English Heritage. This came about during the period when Professor Walkden was writing a new book on the subject, which is now published. He writes: ‘I would particularly like to draw your congregation’s attention to the November launch event of my book at the Lloyd’s Register building on Fenchurch Street. This is on Friday 6 November at 3pm. Lloyd’s has one of the finest Devonshire Marble interiors in the country and this is a rare chance to see it.  If anyone is interested in attending the formal lecture they can apply for a ticket by email as follows: Booking ssential at; place ‘Marbles Talk’ in subject box.

Thank you for your assistance with my Devonshire marbles project.  The broad details are as follows: Devonshire marbles: Their geology, history and uses (2 vols), Gordon Walkden, published by the Geologists’ Association, Autumn 2015. £12.’ 

Thursday 19 November, 7pm – THE 2015 MARYLEBONE SERVICE, St Marylebone Parish Church, Marylebone Road, NW1 5LT. An interfaith gathering, celebrating the religious and cultural diversity of those who live in the village. Refreshments will be served in the Church hall afterwards. All welcome.  

Friday 27 November 3 – 8pm & Saturday 28 November 10am – 4pm
Last year (the first fair, run at St Cyprian’s) was a huge success, receiving lots of comments about how stylish it was – including from the Homes and Antiques Magazine and being voted in the top 10 UK Christmas markets by ‘I love Markets’. This year, with St Cyprian’s undergoing renovation, the event has transferred to the Annunciation, so everyone is invited to join them there to meet the best exhibitors of 2014 with a host of new onesLive music, Christmas-themed demonstrations, refreshments and a candlelit evening gala with a glass of wine while browsing the goodies on sale. 


A Day Centre, Residential and Transitional accommodation provider, re-settlement project and Educational and Training Unit for women. The Emergency Bed Unit – for which we have for some years helped to provide the funds for one of the 4 beds –offers a safe haven and refuge for women escaping domestic violence, financial crisis, sexual exploitation and mental health issues. 

Seasonal Appeals
 – The grand total collected at All Saints for mission activities in 2014 was £6,463 through the All Saints Festival and Lent Appeals. £3,463 went to the Marylebone Project and a further £3,000 to Us (formerly USPG). 

Year Round Support – we also support the Marylebone Resettlement Project with non-perishable food and toiletries or household necessities like cutlery or bed linen/blankets. 
Thank you to everyone who contributes food and household essentials via the basket in Church or handed in to the Parish Office – we made a substantial delivery to the Project in the first half of September and immediately fresh supplies came in and have continued to build since then. Thank you! Please continue to donate these so we can help more people in need as the cold weather begins.  

Day-to-day Support – we respond to the needs of homeless people who visit the church, providing luncheon vouchers for the West London Day Centre for rough sleepers who apply to the office and allowing a few individuals, who need a place to shelter or sleep during the day, to rest in the back of the church. We have created an information resource for Church Watchers, giving useful advice to homeless and vulnerable people seeking particular support or services. In the face of a rising tide of homelessness in London, please help us fund and support people in need through our Mission activities.

Want to help someone sleeping rough but don’t know how? 
Call Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 and they will get a visit from the local Street Team who can put them in contact with the services they may need. 

* If you would like to encourage others to take an interest in All Saints/keep up with what is happening here
, please forward this email on to them, or to people you would like to invite to services or tell them about our, which has a full colour 360 virtual tour for viewing the wonderfully restored interior of the Church – – before a visit or if unable to travel. 

If you know of others who would like to receive this correspondence please encourage them to sign up for the email on the All Saints website – see the tab News & Events> Weekly Newsletter

* If you would like prayers offered at All Saints, please email the Parish Administrator Mrs Dee Prior at: Or make use of the prayer request facility on the website at:

* If you would like any pastoral assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses: Or Assistant Priest Fr Michael Bowie:

On major weekday feasts, High Mass is sung at 6.30pm 

SUNDAYS in Church 
Low Mass 6.30pm (Saturday), 8am and 5.15pm. Morning Prayer 10.20am

Morning Prayer 7.30am
Low Mass – 8am, 1.10pm and 6.30pm
Evening Prayer 6pm
(Except Bank Holidays – 12 noon Mass only)

Morning Prayer 7.30am
Low Mass – 12 noon and 6.30pm (First Mass of Sunday) 
Evening Prayer 6pm

A priest is available for confessions/counsel Monday – Friday from 12.30-1pm and at 5.30pm Monday – Saturday, or by appointment. (Special arrangements apply in Lent and for Holy Week.) and e-mail: