All Saints Parish Newsletter
All Saints Margaret Street E-Newsletter 31 May 2013
Dear Friends,
Yesterday evening, if the sun did not exactly shine on our Corpus Christi procession, at least the rain did not descend on it or on the happy party in the courtyard afterwards.
When most people had gone and we were clearing up, a man stood at the gate looking in and asked: "What’s been going on here?" I told him about our celebration and we talked a little about the church and I invited him to come back again.
But I went to sleep and woke up thinking about his question: "What’s been going on here?"
The answer lies, I think, in what our preacher Fr. Tim Sledge said to us about becoming the Body of Christ in the flesh.
Each time we celebrate the Eucharist, whether with great splendour as last night or quietly as on the Friday morning, the work of building up the Body of Christ goes on.
As bread and wine are transformed into the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, so we too are meant to be.
That change asks something of us: that as our preacher said: we become people who not only "eat in" but also "take away" what the Eucharist means to us.
On Thursday of this week there will be a service at St. Paul’s to launch "Capital Vision 2020." This aims to help us be more confident, compassionate and creative in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in our city in the on-going mission of the Church foreshadowed in Sunday’s Gospel reading (Luke 7: 1-10).
A week of prayer for this Vision has begun and our part includes a vigil before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday evening. It begins after the evening mass and continues until midnight. Please come and join us if you can.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
Please pray for: Harry Allan, Eleanor Chapman, Rachel Clayton, Christopher Coleman, Sheena Cruise, Sabrina Fry, Cecil Garrett, Timothy Harding, Mason Jacobsen, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Tim Montgomery, Linda Orme, Tony Pulleyn, Martin Sargeant, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Brian Sparkes, Ian Stevens, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, Christine Vaughn-Lillie, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall, Canon Geoffrey White.
The recently departed: Eileen Ollman, Eva Wray, Peter Walls, Kathleen Brothwood, Maureen Craig, Ian Jenkinson, Drummer Lee Rigby, Sister Mary Julian (All Saints Sisters of the Poor), Beryl Ritchie
The Diocese of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral, in association with 24/7 Prayer and Holy Trinity Brompton, are setting up a week of prayer leading up to the launch of Capital Vision 2020 on 6June 2013. As well as space for prayer in the cathedral during the day, parishes are being encouraged to take part. At All Saints, there will be a vigil of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday 5 June from 7pm until midnight. The vigil will include readings and prayers as well as silence. Please come and join us for as little or as much time as you can spare.
Friday 7 June 6.30pm – CELL OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM MASS. The Rosary will be said afterwards, followed by a discussion open to everybody to contribute to what the Cell should be doing in the future. The event will conclude with light refreshments. We hope that as many of you will be able to come as possible.
Friday 14 June, 7pm – WELCOMING PARTY FOR NEWCOMERS to the ALL SAINTS ELECTORAL ROLL, downstairs in the Church Bar.
Monday 10 June, 7pm – PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING in the Parish Room. NB. Please note – change of date – originally Monday 17 June.
Thursday 27 June, 5.45pm – EVENSONG at All Saints Margaret Street – ‘Capella’ from the Wallace High School, Lisburn, Co. Antrim.
‘Let all mortal flesh’ Bairstow – Stanford in C – Greater Love Ireland.
‘Let all mortal flesh’ Bairstow – Stanford in C – Greater Love Ireland.
Please come and support this youth group in their choir tour of London, when they will also be singing at Southwark Cathedral. Please note: on this occasion, Confessions will be heard from 5.15 – 5.45pm.
Friday 28 June, 7pm – ALL SAINTS VOLUNTEERS PARTY, Vicarage or Courtyard (depending on the weather). An opportunity to express our appreciation to all those who give freely of their energy, talent and time to make much of what we do at All Saints possible.
Saturday 6 July – CELL OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM – DAY PILGRIMAGE to St Mary’s Willesden. Please note this date for your diaries. Further information will be provided in due course.
Sunday 14 July, 7.15pm ORGAN RECITAL (after Benediction) – James Perkins, Organ Scholar. Retiring collection in aid of the All Saints Choir and Music Trust (suggested donation of £3.50). Cash bar afterwards in the Courtyard,
weather permitting.
weather permitting.
Friday 19 – Sunday 21 July – THE ANNUAL ALL SAINTS WALSINGHAM PARISH PILGRIMAGE takes place this weekend, giving us a chance to enjoy the Shrine at Walsingham at a more relaxed pace than on the National Pilgrimage. If interested in joining the group and not yet booked, please speak to Ross Buchanan or Tel: 020 7221 1312 as soon as possible.