All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter

All Saints Parish Newsletter

Friday 21June

Dear Friends,
On Wednesday afternoon I was at St. Paul’s, Rossmore Road, for one of a series of talks on forms of mental illness. These have been organised for clergy and other church workers by our own Fr. Neil Bunker, as part of his “day job” as Mental Health Liaison Priest for Westminster.
Westminster has one of the highest levels of mental illness in the country and a good many of those affected turn up in churches. A newly-issued report draws attention to the numbers of mentally ill people being held in police cells for their own protection; there are no hospital beds available. Sunday’s gospel is the story of the healing of the Gerasene demoniac. His extreme behaviour led to him being excluded from society. When he is healed, the local people are not pleased at the cost of the cure and ask Jesus to leave. Things do not seem to have changed.
When I got home from St. Paul’s, I found myself speaking with a Brazilian woman who had come into church anxious about her family at home in the midst of violent demonstrations sparked off by the financial and social cost of mounting the World Cup.
This Sunday, we welcome as our preacher, Fr. Nick Wheeler who swopped ministry in Camden Town for the notorious “City of God” in Rio de Janeiro. When I invited him to preach, I did not foresee that his visit would be quite so topical.
The same news bulletin also had an item on the problem of Romanian gipsies sleeping rough and begging in Marylebone. It featured Mrs. Evelyn Chua, the head teacher of Hampden Gurney School, speaking about those who camp on the school’s steps.
No one can say that the Church isn’t facing the issues of our day.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Alan Moses
Please pray for: Harry Allan, Eleanor Chapman, Rachel Clayton, Christopher Coleman, Sheena Cruise, Charles Forker, Sabrina Fry, Timothy Harding, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Nick Luff, Tim Montgomery, Miriam Morris, Linda Orme, Grenfell Prince, Martin Sargeant, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Jan Smith, Ian Stevens, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, Melanie Toogood, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall.
The recently departed: Sister Mary Julian (All Saints Sisters of the Poor), Beryl Ritchie, Brian Sparkes, Tony Pulleyn, Stephen Vaughan.
At the anniversary of their death: Alfred Webb (Priest), Henry Ewer, Arthur Golightly, John Allcock, Baby Jean-Paul Myers, Friedemann Golka, Tony Mason, Tedd McWhinney, Dorothy Jordan, Leslie Moses, Margaret Jervis, Sandra Allan, John Slater (Priest and Assistant Curate All Saints 1970-77), Edith Taylor, Freida Bailey, Edward Roberts (Bishop and Assistant Curate All Saints 1931 – 1935), Harry Lye, William Roberts, Andrew Barker, Gladys Dare.


Fr Simon Stokes will be joining the ministry of the parish of St. Cyprian’s in September.

Fr Simon is a self-supporting priest who is currently on the staff of Holy Redeemer, Clerkenwell. He is married to Buzz and they have three children: Hannah who is a pupil at the St Marylebone School, Dominic who is a chorister at Westminster Abbey and Grace who is at St George’s Hanover Square.

Fr Simon is a partner in the law firm Blake Lapthorn specialising in commercial law (telecommunications, media and technology) and will be licenced by the Archdeacon on St. Cyprian’s Day (Sunday 15 September).

We are very glad that Fr Simon has agreed to come to St. Cyprian’s and work within the wider context of All Saints and the Annunciation. Fr Gerald Beauchamp knew Fr Simon and Buzz before Fr Simon was ordained. They lived near St. Mary the Boltons, where Fr Gerald was vicar, and he baptised their daughter, Hannah.

While Fr. Simon’s ministry will be primarily at St. Cyprian’s, we at All Saints look forward to getting to know him. In the meantime, we pray for him and his family.

Thursday 27 June, 5.45pm – EVENSONG at All Saints Margaret Street – ‘Capella’ from the Wallace High School, Lisburn, Co. Antrim.
‘Let all mortal flesh’ Bairstow – Stanford in C – Greater Love Ireland.
Please come and support this youth group in their choir tour of London,
when they will also be singing at Southwark Cathedral. Please note: on this occasion, Confessions will be heard from 5.15 – 5.45pm.
Friday 28 June, 7pm – ALL SAINTS VOLUNTEERS RECEPTION, Vicarage or Courtyard (depending on the weather). An opportunity to express our appreciation to all those who give freely of their energy, talent and time to make much of what we do at All Saints possible.

Saturday 6 July
Programme as follows:
11.15am Pilgrimage Procession from St Mary’s Church of England School (Garnet Road, London NW10)
12 noon Festival Mass, Preacher: Fr Nicholas Wheeler, Priest-Missioner of the City of God, Rio de Janeiro
1.30pm Summer Fair
3pm Benediction & Sprinkling.
Sunday 14 July, 7.15pm – ORGAN RECITAL (after Benediction)
– James Perkins, Organ Scholar, All Saints.
Programme to include: Stanford, Bach, Ireland, Whitlock and Reger. Retiring collection for the All Saints Choir and Music Trust (suggested donation: £3.50). Cash bar afterwards in the Courtyard, weather permitting.
Friday 19 – Sunday 21 JulyTHE ANNUAL ALL SAINTS WALSINGHAM PARISH PILGRIMAGE will be taking place this weekend led by the Vicar, providing a chance to enjoy the Shrine at a more relaxed pace than on the National Pilgrimage. If you are interested in joining the group and are not yet booked, speak to Ross Buchanan or phone him on 020 7221 1312 as soon as possible please.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES: Friday 13 September, 7pm for 7.30pm – QUIZ NIGHT at St Cyprian’s Church
Following last year’s successful event at St Cyprian’s there will be another Quiz Night as part of St Cyprian’s Festival Weekend. Please put the date in your diary and start forming your teams. As before teams can be a maximum of six members. The charge will be £10 per person payable on the night and refreshments will be provided. Chris Self will act as the co-ordinator for everybody taking part and should be contacted at or at All Saints Church.
Fr Gerald Beauchamp, Assistant Priest at All Saints, is thinking about organising a pilgrimage to Iona, Monday 6 – Sunday 12 April 2015. It was the Isle of Iona that S. Columba made his home in the sixth century and from where much of the north of the British Isles was evangelised. The group will stay at Bishop’s House. There are 15 rooms (8 double, 7 single).

Depending on how many go the cost for full board will be £350-£460 per person at 2013 prices. In addition there are travel costs. Again this will vary depending on whether the group goes by air, rail or road. We should allow up to another £250 per person.

Group members will need to be able-bodied and not prone to sea sickness. It’s impossible to predict what the weather will be like but group members will need to be prepared for all that Scotland is famous for!
For further information see the following websites:
Bishop’s House
S. Columba

If you would like to come please contact Fr Gerald Beauchamp as soon as you can by email: If there is sufficient interest he will convene a meeting in the autumn this year to outline a programme and make some initial decisions about travel.