All Saints Margaret Street | All Saints Parish Newsletter 8th November 2013

All Saints Parish Newsletter 8th November 2013

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday we began High Mass singing “`For all the Saints” as we celebrated our Festival Sunday. This Sunday we will be in more sombre mode with the Act of Remembrance and its silence. Faced with the enormity of what happened in two world wars: the unparalleled death toll in battle and the appalling loss of civilian life, both deliberate and accidental, what words could be adequate?

Next year we will be commemorating the beginning of the Great War. Books are already appearing in which scholars seek to understand and explain the cataclysmic events whose consequences we still live with.      

When I was first ordained it was widely assumed that Remembrance Day would gradually, like an old soldier, gently fade away as the events receded into the past.  In fact, it has undergone a great revival.  There has been a series of significant anniversaries. We recognise that these events continue to shape our world.  And there has been the involvement of our armed forces in conflicts from the Balkans to Afghanistan. Whatever we think of the rights and wrongs of these conflicts, we have been made more aware of the human toll of war in death, injury and psychological trauma. In an age of instant news, we see these things on our television screens almost as they happen. 

So, while there will be words of prayer, of remembrance and thanksgiving, of intercession and or commitment to work for a better world, there must always be a place for silence as we contemplate both the courage of ordinary decent people who gave their lives for others and the appalling evil of those who took lives in the name of ideology or nation.  We must contemplate both because they are still with us.

Yours in Christ,


Fr. Alan Moses

Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers:
Harry Allan, Peter Burbidge, Margaret Campbell, Rachel Clayton, Sheena Cruse, Rosie Davis, Arthur Fearns, Charles Forker, Denise Inge, Mason Jacobsen,  Rachel Jackson-Stevens, Jill, Katherine Lee, Joshua Levy, Marimar Perez Fabo, Simon Pulleyn, Celia Shore, Stephen Short, Kate Thomas, Andrew Tillyard, David and Jo Vincent, Paolla Vincentin, Heather Walker, Wendy Wall, Fr Stephen Williams.

For the recently departed: Frances Caldecourt (Priest), Bryan Rixon.

At the anniversary of their death (during the coming week): John Groves, Paul Leyland, Violet Vanbrugh, Malcolm McHaffie (Priest), Dorothy Cavan, John Augustus Mayo (Priest), Arthur Hutchings, Sidney Dines, Annie Searles, George Scott, Ethel Rawll, Sam David Thorpe, Graham Hawkes (2012), George Genge (Priest), Herbert Brackley, Janette Brierly, William Foster, Alfred Stephens.    


Sunday 10 November, 10.58amTHIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENTREMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – HIGH MASS WITH ACT OF REMEMBRANCE. Preacher: Fr Julian Browning. Music: Missa ‘Miserer nostri’ – Cardosa. Requiem aeternam I – Howells.

6pm – CHORAL EVENSONG & BENEDICTION – Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan Moses. Music: Service in F – Ireland   Greater love hath no man – Ireland                                


FESTIVAL APPEAL FOR MISSION PROJECTS – we are pleased to report that the collections at last week’s Eve of All Saints, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day services in aid of our two mission projects (The Church Army Marylebone Project for Homeless Women, providing practical support, educational opportunities and spiritual space and the Us partnership with the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe, working to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV) raised just over £3,000. With anticipated Gift Aid, this sum is increased to £3,500. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our mission projects.   

ALL SAINTS RESTORATION APPEAL – Phase IV Lighting & Electrical Renewal – We are delighted to be able to announce that within the first week of the Appeal, launched by the Vicar on Festival Sunday 3 November, we have already raisedd £9,000. With the addition of anticipated Gift Aid, this sum is increased to: £12,000, to be added to the existing £100,000 making £112,000 towards our total of £250,000. The balance we still need to fund-raise for is £138,000. Thank you to everyone who contributed donations both large and small; we are most grateful for this excellent start to the Restoration Appeal.

If you have still to contribute, please make cheques payable to: All Saints Margaret Street PCC Restoration Account and send to Restoration Appeal, All Saints Church Parish Office, 7 Margaret Street, London W1W 8JG. If you are a UK tax payer and have signed/will sign a Gift Aid declaration with us, your donation to the Appeal is increased by 25%. Please indicate that you wish your contribution to be Gift Aided and ensure we have your full name (with initial/s), address and postcode. If you are unsure if you have signed a Gift Aid declaration form, please pick one up from the table in church, fill in and return to Mrs Dee Prior, Parish Administrator.

The book for names of those to be remembered at Requiem Masses on the following dates
(Friday 15
th at 1.10pm and Tuesday 26th November at 6.30pm) is on the lectern in the Baptistery in Church. Please enter names under the appropriate requiem date and print names clearly. If you are unable to come into Church to add names to the list – please email or telephone Dee Prior, Parish Administrator on 020 7636 1788 as soon as you can.

For next week – Advance notice that the Vicar is attending General Synod Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 November and that on Wednesday 20 November – the Parish Office will be closed.

EVENTS THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS, THE ANNUNCIATION AND ST CYPRIAN’S: (Events take place at All Saints unless indicated otherwise.) 

Sunday 10 November – Ten-to-One Talk Series: WHY DO YOU DO THAT? Incense. 5/12 talks given by the Vicar. The bell is rung at the start.

Monday 11 November (OPENS) – Sat 21 December (CLOSES)
CARD AID SHOP in the Parish Room, opening times: 11am – 3pm Monday – Saturday (closed Sunday). Card Aid shops offer an unrivalled range of cards, together with the assurance that ALL profits from the cards sold are going to charity. Award winning Peace Oil will also be available here at All Saints.

AT ALL SAINTS, THE ANNUNCIATION AND ST CYPRIAN’S: (Events take place at All Saints unless indicated otherwise.)

Saturday 16 November 11am – 4pm at the Annunciation, Marble Arch, Bryanston Street
A day for members of the All Saints, The Annunciation and St Cyprian’s congregations – sharing the Gospel and exploring how we can become more ‘confident in speaking and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, more creative in reaching new people and places with the Good News in the power of the Spirit’ (Diocese of London’s Capital Vision 2020).

The day will be led by Fr Tim Sledge, Vicar of Romsey Abbey, who preached at All Saints on Corpus Christi. Please sign the list at the back of the church if you would like to take part in this mission day, to assist with planning and catering. We hope many of you will come – no expertise or experience required – we are all learners in this process.

Sunday 17 November – Ten-to-One Talk Series: WHY DO YOU DO THAT?
Chanting.  6/12 talks given by the Vicar. The bell is rung at the start.

Monday 18 November, 7pmMEETING OF THE ALL SAINTS PCC in the Dining Room (please note venue altered due to Card Aid in Parish Room). 

Sunday 24 November, CHRIST THE KING – following High Mass at 11am there will be a short ceremony of dedication of the Lamps at the Church Gate – renewed in memory of Geoffrey Constable.

Sunday 24 NovemberTen-to-One Talk Series: WHY DO YOU DO THAT? Processions.  7/12 talks given by the Vicar. The bell is rung at the start.

Sunday 24 November, 7.15pm (following Benediction) – ORGAN RECITAL – CHARLES ANDREWS, Associate Director of Music. Programme includes: Bach, Widor and Reger. Retiring collection to support the Choir and Music at All Saints (suggested donation £3.50). All Saints Licensed Club/Bar below the Church will be open afterwards.

NOTE THE DATE: Thursday 28 November, 7.15pm – GUITAR DUO RECITAL – in aid of Autism charity. Short fund-raising recital – pop in to All Saints and go on to dinner or drinks afterwards in the West End. Full details to follow.

Sunday 1 December 2013, 6pm – ADVENT SERVICE of READINGS AND MUSIC by Candlelight, with the Choir of All Saints. After the service the All Saints Licensed Club/Bar will be open. All welcome – bring some friends!

Thursday 5 December, 7pm ANGLICAN CATHOLIC FUTUREAN INTRODUCTION TO ADVENT, a Talk by Fr Anders Bergquist, St John’s Wood. Follows Mass at 6.30pm. 

Saturday 7 December, 3pmCHRISTMAS POETRY TEA at Pamela’s. Please bring ‘Seasonal’ poems or prose – stretch your imagination! To accept, or to find out Pamela’s address, please speak to Pamela or Sandra Wheen in the courtyard after High Mass or ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 (leaving your name and phone number). Cost £6 in aid of the All Saints Restoration Fund. All welcome.

Monday 16 December 2013, 6pm – FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS and CAROLS with the Choir of All Saints. After the service mince pies and mulled wine will be served. All welcome – bring some friends!

Wednesday 20 November CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WESTMINSTER – Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8EP. 6pm Classical Music Recital and 7pm ‘Meet the Neighbours’ Talk and refreshments. Please contact Isobel Owen for further information:

Saturday 23 November, 10.30am – 4pm VOCATIONS DAY WITH THE BISHOP OF CHELMSFORD, St Matthew’s Westminster – for men and women exploring vocation to the priesthood. Please register your interest on the Anglican Catholic Future website.