All Saints Margaret Street | Confession


All may, none must, some should…

At All Saints, The Confessional is available daily.

Monday – Friday 12:30pm – 1pm
also 5:30pm – 6pm
Saturday 5:30pm-6pm

Within the Anglican Church, confession and absolution is usually seen as part of corporate worship, particularly at Mass. The form involves a call to repentance by the priest, a period of silent prayer and reflection, a form of confession said together by all present and then the pronouncement of God’s forgiveness by the priest accompanied by the sign of the cross.

However, private confession is also practiced and is common within our Anglo-Catholic Tradition. Many people still engage in a disicpline of making their confession before major Feasts or more generally thoughout the year, every 6 weeks or so.

If you have never made your confession privately, and would like to talk through what this involves, please be in touch with Fr. Michael.